
Sunday, January 19, 2020

Blue Medicine

All week, I've felt draggy and low-energy with nasal congestion.  

Last night, I accidentally discovered the best medicine--blueberry soup!

I boiled a cup or so of blueberries in water, sprinkled them with a tad of sugar, then drank the soup. That and a bowl of Jan's Junk Soup has practically cured me and jazzed up my energy.

When Jan came over this morning to bring me some cheese, I was in the middle of a messy messy gel printing session.  So glad to wake up with enough energy to do anything at all, I just jumped right in. The kitchen was a mess.  Cabinet doors were open, paint was all over the countertops, and it was just, well, embarrassing to be caught mid-mess.  

So I decided to take a few kitchen appliances to the storage room and make better use of the space in which I play with paints more than I cook.  That meant cleaning the entire storage room--which also led to throwing away a bunch of things in my outdoor laundry area. In short, I worked from sun-up til sun-down and got a week's worth of work done in one day!

So tonight I am going to bed feeling better than I've felt in a week.  And first thing tomorrow morning, I'm going to go buy some more blueberries.  

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