
Sunday, January 5, 2020

Excerpts from Daughters of Copper Woman

 Ownership of natural resources
Just because you inherited ownership, didn’t give you the right to mess up a place. And if you didn’t take care of it, you could lose it….Having ownership just meant having responsibility. You’d been chosen, you see, your whole family had been chosen, to look after and take care of something.
 Personal responsibility
A woman could come to the circle as often as she needed, but the circle wasn’t there to encourage a woman to only talk about her problems. The first three times you came with the same story the women would listen and try to help. But if you showed up a fourth time and it was the same old tired thing, the others in the circle would just get up and move and re-form the circle somewhere else. They didn’t say the problem wasn’t import, they just said…it was time to stop talkin’ and do somethin’.
 Warrior Women
A warrior woman had to be able to recognize the face of the enemy or she couldn’t be a warrior woman. Anyone who just dithered around like a muddlehead and didn’t do anthin’ about her problems would have her warrior headband taken away….Women are recognizin’ the enemy. Women are lookin’ for the truth. Speakin’ to young women, tellin’ them that rape isn’t anythin’ at all to do with love or even with lust, tellin’ them it’s just another way for some people to convince themselves they’ve got power, any old kind of power. Women are learnin’ to use their bodies again, learnin’ to defend themselves again and speakin’ the truth.

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