Trusty Tiguan got repaired (in my driveway) for a fraction of the dealership's estimate, so we're ready to roll!
I stopped by Green Door to donate a bag of clothes. The volunteer was enchanted by Luci. "I want a little dog exactly like that," she said. "As soon as I get me a house, I want a dog. I've never had my own house or a dog--so those are the my short bucket list."
She looked to be about my age, taking used clothes and lamps and dishes for people she'd likely never meet, wanting only two things.
I used to want a Mini Cooper more than any material thing. The first time I saw the now-vintage British Morris Mini driving down Broadway, it looked like a toy, like a picture in a children's book rolling off the page and into my heart. If anyone had asked me about a bucket list back then, still in my fifties, I would have probably said, "A Mini Cooper and a soulmate."
Years ago, Blue introduced me to Leonard Cohen one night in writing group. I stayed up all night listening to Leonard's Live in London concert. I fell in love with his voice and lyrics. I had missed him in the 70s and 80s, the teaching and child-rearing years, decades of not paying much attention to contemporary music. Except for Willie Nelson who sang two miles from our Helotes house. We listened from the porch as the sounds drifted through the Hill Country from John T. Floore's Store.
Almost ten years ago I started this blog as I traveled solo to the west coast to celebrate my 65th birthday. My turquoise Mini still had Obama bumper stickers, and I felt peaceful, happy and wide open to adventure. Had anyone told me America would change as much as it has since then, I wouldn't have believed it. Elena was just learning to walk.
Now she rides rodeo and herds steer into a corral.
Today, as all days, walking is hard for me. I do okay in the first two hours most days--but by 11:00, my hours of productivity are over. I waited all day to hear if anything showed up on my MRI that can be fixed. Maybe tomorrow.
The woman who wants a house and a dog may have traveled all over the world for all I know. She may have married her soulmate, pursued an interesting career, not wanting to settle down. Or like so many, she may have struggled all her life to pay the bills and rent.
She could be like Dolly, the woman I gave my lawnmower to today--single, living in a house trailer that needs new skirting. When she told me all the things she needed, I stopped her on lawnmower and offered her mine. "Praise the Lord!" she said. "If you ever need anything, call me. I'll be there in a heartbeat."
My feet are resting now on a soothing beanbag Jan made for me years ago--heated in the microwave. Jocelyn and Bob sent me a box of yummy chocolates for Valentine's Day--Starbucks chocolate covered grahams and organic Reese's. I'm watching a documentary about Leonard Cohen and the seven years he spent writing "Hallelujah".
The tablecloth I ordered arrived today. I set the table for two--cloth napkins, green and yellow soup bowls. I'm setting the table for the next chapter, getting ready for whatever's next when I feel like cooking again. Tomorrow I may look for recipes.
I don't have a bucket list, per se, but I do look forward to inviting friends for lunch soon. That and happy feet.