
Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Aftershocks: Everest and the Nepal Earthquake

The grandeur of Mt. Everest is a sight I'll never see in person, but it's breathtaking on the screen.  Set aside the beauty of a "United Nations of climbers," however, is the magnitude of destruction in the Netflix documentary, Aftershocks. 

The 3-part series focuses on the teams of climbers as well as the people of Nepal in the 2015 earthquake and shows how the international climbers and the people of Nepal interact before and after the tragic quake. 

A young woman named Sara is one of the climbers.  One of her college professors had suggested she do something really challenging to build her self-confidence--and she chose the Everest climb.  

To cross deep crevasses in the ice, they lay long metal ladders across, then holding on to ropes, wearing spiky shoes, they walk, listening for cracks in the ice and possible slides. 

This week over 36,000 people have died in the earthquakes in Syria and Turkey.  What we're seeing on the  screen on the news looks so much like the scenes in the Nepal earthquake 8 years ago. Unbelievable destruction of cities and homes, rescuers digging through rubble hoping to find signs of life, extractions of human bodies and occasionally--to shouts of celebration--a single life that can be saved. 

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