
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Elena on Thursday

Today, Elena's instructions were to take a nap before we went to the museum.

"My mommy just sings me the ABCs and Twinkle Twinkle and I go right to sleep," she said.

After a few verses of each (she being too excited about the museum to go to sleep), I decided to try the song I used to sing to my children: "Sweet Sweet Spirit...."

It goes like this:

There's a sweet sweet spirit in this place
And I know that it's the spirit of the Lord....

"Yenna," she said.  "That song is making my cold more worser!  I don't like to hear it."

So we gave up on the nap and went to the Doseum, breaking the nap rule altogether.  She fell asleep on the way home later, no songs needed.

On the way to the museum, we were talking about her upcoming trip to Colorado.  "You are going to have so much fun!" I said.

She said, "Me and my brother and my cousins are going to climb all the mountains. "  Then she looked at me as if she suddenly realized that I wasn't going.  "I will miss you there.  You are my best best grandmother in the whole world."

The princess dress she is wearing came from Santa Claus.  "He loves me," she said.  "Actually, everybody loves me."

I hope Elena always feels so loved. I believe we'd have peace on Earth if everyone could have and hold on to that feeling, every little and big girl, every little and big boy, wherever they live on the globe.

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