
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Since I don't send holiday cards....

I don't get very many, but I enjoy the ones I do get, and I'm going to try to remember to send some myself next year.

Yesterday I got one that moved me so much, and it came just when I needed to hear what Nellie had to say!  On the front there was an angel, and when I read her words I felt angel dust.  So I wrote her to thank her for it and tell her that it arrived on a day when I felt low, and this is what she wrote back:

I am so glad the angel has arrived! Hope you feel better today and can enjoy your family. Feel the love that surrounds you!

There's lots of it, and the other feels are just weather . Weather will pass.

Much love, Nellie

"The other feels are just weather!"  What a great line to save and re-read.  What an inspiration to send words of encouragement to our friends, even when we don't know how they might be feeling when they land in their mailbox.

Thanks to pharmaceuticals and a reminder to wear gloves from Carlene, I'm feeling better today, just have stiff white hands.  It will pass.  It's just weather.

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