
Saturday, December 24, 2016

Some favorite Christmas stories

1.  A cat healer in the 'hood

Jan just came over for a visit and told me this story.  Kate, her daughter, woke up with a blinding migraine headache, just miserable.  Their cat sensed it, got on Kate's head and gave her a cat-treatment of acupuncture/acupressure.  (She's never done that before!) and Kate's head immediately got all better.

2. A box of clothes

One year, Gerlinde filled a big furniture box with the best and newest-looking children's clothes from all the thrift shops in town.  Just before Christmas she delivered it to a women's shelter for all the children living with their mothers there.  I just love this story and want to do a version of it for next year.

3. A bad story followed by a good one--also from Jan

A local shelter has a warehouse in which they store Christmas presents for the kids all year long.  Someone broke in and cleaned them out just five days from Christmas.  A wealthy woman who heard about it on the news delivered a van-load of presents and $135,000!

4. Veronica texted me this picture of Nathan saying, "He loves the books!"

5.  My cousin Sharon gave her mother Dot a box with the word JOY on it and this note:  "Thank you for teaching me how to open a box of joy."

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