
Monday, April 9, 2018

Having stayed up way too late watching photo tutorials and "Call The Midwife,"  my plan is to take a little morning nap and catch up on sleep. Writing group was wonderful yesterday and I am always jazzed afterwards for a few hours and unable to sleep.

So I turned the phone to vibrate, got out my Hank Hung The Moon to read myself back to sleep, and heard a vibration.

"I bet you're wondering why I'm not in school," Nathan said, sniffling a bit.  "Allergies!  If there weren't enough people and cars to suck up all the pollen, there'd be mounds of it everywhere!"

"How are you otherwise?" I asked later.

"Pretty good," he said, "If you consider making the Drumroll good!"

So our Nathan is officially in the middle school band and so excited!  I told him I'd tell everybody and he said I could be his assistant in communications!

So there you have it--my first official duty as Nathan's publicity assistant, informing those who know him and those who don't that Nathan M. Lininger is now a drummer boy!

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