
Tuesday, April 3, 2018


Pam brought me this book from the library today:

You may have seen the documentary about Iris on Netflix....

This woman is a fashion icon in her nineties!

Here are some words of advice to youngsters like me--women only on the cusp of seventy:

When you get older, as I often paraphrase an old family friend, if you have two of anything, chances are one of them is going to hurt when you get up in the morning.  But you have to get up and move beyond the pain.  If you want to stay young, you have to think young.

Having a sense of wonder, a sense of humor, and a sense of curiosity--these are my tonic.  They keep me young, childlike, open to new people and things, ready for another adventure.

I never want to be an old fuddy-duddy; I hold the self-proclaimed record for being the World's Oldest Living Teenager and I intend to keep it that way.  

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