
Friday, May 29, 2015

A good day all around!

As I've returned to healthy eating and moderate exercise, I expected to feel instantly better, more energetic.  Alas, it's taken several days.  Finally, this afternoon, I began to feel like myself again--with enough energy to mow the front yard and almost complete this totally absorbing project of My Playhouse.

Will and Elena delivered an armoire I'd bought and took my desk home, which inspired me to clean out all the kitchen drawers and organize towels and sheets.  I cleaned the back yard and managed, after a nice lunch with Will and Elena at YaYa's to skip my nap and enjoy an afternoon visit with Sandy.

Sandy is leading a retreat in Sedona in August and we had a fun talk about her new ventures and mine.  The question she asks her clients and group participants is this: "What brings you to life?"  As a long-time therapist and writer, my friend Sandy continues to seek changes and new ventures that bring her to life, and it's always so much fun to hear about her work.

As for me, I'm continuing leading writing groups--which I love--and am making a playhouse, which I plan at some point to advertise on Air BnB.  I'm so proud of the work Mike did--the Murphy bed, the barn-wood walls and little roof over the bed, the sheetrock repair and paint, the air conditioning, and countless other details that have made it the red and green and old-wood place that is is.

Sandy said that the casita contains all the stories and energies of all the women who have written in there--and that was exactly what I had been feeling.  A building absorbs the personalities and honesty of the people who bring their diverse talents to it.

Without disturbing the original writing group circle of chairs, I've added the bed and storage for overnight guests, and it is even better than I imagined.  How lucky I am to have an extra house in the back yard!

I'm ending this productive day watching episode 4 of "The Roosevelts"--a Ken Burns series.

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