
Saturday, March 19, 2016

Rings and Breathing

Since the tax-preparer gave me a Monday deadline, I can procrastinate no longer.  Today is the day to write my financial story for 2015.

Pam sent me this inspiring story.  Some of you may relate to it--times when you struggled to release something you don't want to let go of, then (after a metaphorical trip to Peru) are ready to let it go:

Shirley MacLaine had a ring that she treasured greatly. At the onset of her spiritual breakthrough, she made a trip to Peru. One of the women who worked at the space where she was staying--a very primitive space--greatly admired the ring and asked to try it on. Shirley let her try on, but felt a bit anxious until it was back on her finger. 

Weeks later as she was preparing to return to her life in California the same woman asked for a ride into town with those taking Shirley to the airport. Again, the woman expressed fascination with the ring. This time Shirley had no problem giving the woman the treasured ring. The changes had occurred in Shirley. The experiences she had there had completely transformed her way of seeing, thinking, believing.

Another friend--who prefers to remain blog-anonymous--is traveling in another country and enjoying unspoiled landscapes and big water.    In an email this week, she wrote that much of life, as in literature, is about stripping away illusions.  "I took a large gulp of air and realized that the breaths of air we have ahead are limited."

Then, Linda (Cape Cod Linda) sent a sweet remembrance of my daddy--whom she knew well--on his birthday.

What a gift it is to have amazing friends on this wobbly part of the journey!

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