
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Some Inspiration for my Writer Friends

Linda Kot sent me an enthusiastic recommendation--to read The Fairy Tale Girl by Susan Branch of Martha's Vineyard.  The author's blog gives you a good idea of what she does, incorporating drawings and handwritten text.  I'm looking forward to landing a copy of the book, but until I do, here's Susan Branch's  blog:

Last time I saw Elena, I was so afraid she'd have learned to pronounce "lemonade" correctly--but no. She still has one baby word left: littamade.

So I just went out and bought the ingredients to make a big pitcher of littamade for tomorrow's Easter cookout.  That and chocolate cake and strawberry pie.

I'd bought one of those large spouted drink containers at a garage sale last week, hoping to use it for making kombucha, but my teacher, Kate, said it had to be a glass or pottery container.  So today, celebrating Pam's birthday belatedly, Pam suggested I use it for Easter littamade.

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