
Saturday, June 6, 2020

Making a folio or cover for an iPad.

Some of you may know Lyn Belisle, San Antonio artist who works with paper, fiber, photography, and clay to create pieces wonderful pieces of collage and sculpture.

Pam and I have taken several classes in her studio, and we think she's an extraordinary teacher.

The class I watched today was about two hours long at the ridiculously low price of $10.  I thought that must be a mistake, but no--it's for real.  Just go here if you'd like to try your hand at making a cover for an iPad or Kindle using many fun techniques:

Even if you have no intention of making a cover, you can also apply these techniques for other projects, or you could make the folio and use it to hold a notebook or a legal pad.

I find it mesmerizing and inspiring to watch her work, and she explains every step with precision.  I'll watch it again as I attempt to make one for myself. That's the good thing about these online art classes: you can watch them at your own pace and as often as you like .

Let me know if you decide to give it a go!

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