
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Postcards to Myself, Good Eyes, and Figs

Lyn Belisle has created another stellar class! If you'd like to play, follow the breadcrumbs above.

This one is called Postcards to Myself, available for $18 at Etsy, including about 3 hours of video, two PDF downloads, a supply list, and easy to follow instructions.

Along with a PDF of images to use in the class, she gives sources for images in the public domain (no permissions required to use them).

The course covers so many aspects of mixed media that it's a great place to begin--as well as to continue if you're more advanced in painting, collage, and encaustics.   I've watched (and loved)  the first two hours and only have four more sections to go, which I'll save for tomorrow.

Lyn's online classes are exceptionally wonderful from start to finish. (This one is technically called an e-book, with links to about 20 videos.)

                                          On eyes:

Some of you have kindly asked about my eye issue.  My eyes are fine, just droopy sleepy at the moment.  Floaters, Dr. Gutierrez said, are very common; we don't worry about them unless we have quite a lot of them.  They go away on their own.  He gave me drops and advised using them with a hot compress to relieve the irritation.  No cataracts, no glaucoma, not even a need for a prescription change.

                                       Another highlight of the day:

Elena Face Timed me while she was researching fig trees and what kind of soil they need.  Second grade just ended and she's continuing to study as she prepares to plant a fig tree her other grandmother gave her.

It was fun to watch the ease with which she navigates the iPad to get information.  "I'm going to plant it so I can climb it," she said.  "It has smooth bark and Audrey has one in her yard and we like to climb in it."

"As for me," I said, "I want to come pick figs with you and make fig newtons."

"Oh yeah, that too."

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