
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Tuesday Night

Today was a watercolor blackberry cobbler sort of day.

In case you would like to have such a day, and if you are a fan of blackberry cobbler, you can find one made by the kindly Mrs. Smith in the frozen food section.  I bought mine to have a quick dessert on hand in case people come over unexpectedly, which--let's be honest--never happens.... As my friend Barbel says of ice cream, sometimes you just have to go ahead and eat it "or it will go rancid."

So I tried something fun with watercolors this morning, thanks to a link in the Daisy Yellow class announcement Nellie sent me:

My tiny little book turned out adorable if I do say so myself, and I'm going to use it as an anniversary card for Day and Tom later this month.  I love playing with colors and water, watching shapes happily bumping into each other.

Now I'm watching a really good four-episode Masterpiece series called Press.  While I wait for my Pepcid to take effect.  You can watch it on Amazon Prime or PBS Passport.

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