
Monday, June 1, 2020


Monday is turning into Tuesday, and I have listened to too much news today.  That and buying groceries in a too-loud store, then spending the rest of the day cleaning every surface, every nook, every cranny of the casita.  Sometimes I think I enjoy moving stuff around and cleaning as much as I enjoy making things.  A room has to be just so--that's how I roll.  It's pretty close to just-so tonight and I'm exhausted in a good way.

It's amazing how much stuff accumulates under sinks and in trunks.  Most of it went to the curb for tomorrow's trash pick up--except for a basket my scavenger friend Jan spied and liked.

I also received a rug I ordered about three weeks ago for the living room and I carefully unwrapped and unrolled it (in case I wanted to return it) and it turns out, it's just fine.  I like it.  I just wish I could pick up the sofa enough to scrunch it under the front a bit.

When one cannot change the enormity of what's wrong in the world, cleaning out drawers and boxes is a reminder of just how tiny a space in the world one can control.

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