
Sunday, April 4, 2021

Kids' Rodeo, Atkins, Texas

 This is how I'm spending my Easter weekend.

Friday--had a wonderful afternoon and evening with my girl!  We did a toy store run and Elena chose a few small toys and a watch, the old fashioned kind.  At dinner, while we were waiting for our California Pizza, our favorite, I taught her how to read an analog watch face.  

After dinner, I asked her several times, "What time is it, Elena?" and she had it down pat.

We watched three episodes of Free Rein, a horse show we often watch together.  When her parents came to pick her up, she started crying.  "What will I do if Junior dies?"  We said what grown-ups say, "It will be a long time," and "You'll be very sad."  But that didn't answer her question, so she asked again, "What will I DO?"  

Life and death questions are hard, for kids of all ages, including those who call ourselves grown ups.

Yesterday, she was right there on top of Junior again, happy, at the kids rodeo.  Hundreds of kids were there along with their ponies and horses and dogs. I wasn't able to stay for the main events, but I got a show of Elena doing practice runs and tricks, and she's a natural on horseback, making everything look easier than it is.

Today I'm on the floor putting a second coat on two cabinets in the bathroom and about to put a sealer on them.  After this, I'm going to tackle finishing my silver maple dining table top.  (I had a glass top table which I didn't love as much as I thought I would, so I ordered a wooden top from Etsy.)

The people at Woodcraft, one customer and one worker, were wonderful in explaining the different types of stains and how they can be applied.  I'm pretty sure if I do it today I have it sealed into my brain and can make it happen.

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