
Monday, April 19, 2021

Yoosie and Yinda Go to the Rodeo

Today I drove out to Tejas Rodeo to watch Elena and Bonnie in their sorting event.  Both did very well (Bonnie winning first place) and they even competed as partners on some rounds.  Elena was the only child riding today and it was fun to see her ever-growing confidence and happiness on horseback.

Kid Magnet that she is, Luci was the main attraction for Elena's cousins, Audrey, 9, and Christian, 4.  Christian can't --say L yet.  "I yove Yoosie," he said.

When he heard me tell Audrey that Luci weighs 10 pounds, he said, "I weigh ten pounds too, like Yoosie." 

Afterwards, the kids and I walked around the rodeo grounds and took pictures of the old buildings there.  "What is this thing?" Christian asked, standing on exposed tree roots.  I told him that the roots go as deep down underground as the tree stands above ground, we just can't see them.

"I can," he said.  "I have underground eyes."  

Speaking of trees: Friday night, Luci and I woke up to the sound of  a crash. The arborist came back the next morning, the same one who'd told me hours earlier that getting these branches down was an emergency.  "Yeah," he said.  "It cracked some more during the night.  Do you have another place to sleep just in case?"

The part of the huge hackberry branches over my fence line will be cut down on Wednesday and Thursday.  He can't tell if there's roof damage yet because the limbs have to be tied with ropes and removed before they can actually see the roof under it.  

The renters next door are moving out in May and the landlord is unwilling to cut down the trees on his property. The house is in terrible shape and the roof could cave all the way in at any time, the roots rotten and the roof already bent as if it's made of cardboard. 

If all goes well, Yoosie and I should be able to head east on Thursday or Friday!

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