
Monday, February 3, 2014

A Different Word Every Day

After reading my post about each person having "a word," I got this response from Betty, my Seed Pea:

"What's my word?  I'm giving that thought.  One I associate with you is truth.  That seems to be a deeply held value.  Like a greedy child, I don't want to be limited to one.  Maybe I could assign a word to each day.  It's a fascinating thought to ponder.  At this specific moment, it would be sleepy.  I'm ready for a nap."

I think Betty is remembering the Truth Sessions we used to have when we were girls.  We'd sit around in a circle and tell each other the "truth" and promise we wouldn't cry or have our feelings hurt.  After all, our friends were telling us all our faults "for our own good."  Funny, I can't remember the injurious truths I told, only the ones I received: I was flat-chested and I wore my socks wrong side out.

Now, no longer flat-chested and having learned to wear my socks properly, those comments don't apply--nor do they sting anymore, but at the time, they were awful things to hear, back when we were  all trying to be perfect, or live up to some standard of perfection that we made up as we went along.

The Truth is we do get to have a different word every day if we want to!  At this particular moment on a sunny Tuesday afternoon, my word is now what Betty's was yesterday: sleepy!  What a gorgeous day in South Texas.  Bonnie and I just returned from a very nice lunch at the Bear Moon and a walkabout in Boerne.

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