
Friday, February 21, 2014

My Mama And Me

Are alike in many ways.
We both like to have at least one pretty part all the time.  She goes to the beauty shop every Thursday morning without fail and sleeps with toilet paper on her hair so she won't mess it up between Thursdays.  My daddy used to call her beauty shop appointments "Mission Impossible."

I get my hair cut and colored about twice a year, period--but I have to have a monthly pedicure since I wear nothing but sandals.  I did that this morning after getting my car washed, and now I have perfectly lovely purple toes and smooth soles.

While sitting in the chair, I got an email from my friend Diana:

 I have decided that the mirror and the bathroom scale both lie.  They are defective. That's not me.

I know that  my younger body (which while certainly not swim suit edition material) was firm and smaller is still there, it just doesn't show.

I used to be able to feel and see bones....hip bones, rib bones.  Then without warning, they disappeared under  layers of soft flesh and saggy skin.  

Not long ago, I noticed my sister, my junior by three years, had a saggy neck!  That area right below the chin that I had never given a moment's thought before, and I thought, "Bless her heart!   I wonder if she is aware of that??"

Then, I looked in my defective mirror and I had it too!!!

Now, if I happen to catch a glimpse of my face, I just look away and smile.   I'm still myself behind that false image.

And you know what?  I no longer see my sister's saggy neck.  I see her beautiful self and hug her.
Keep smiling, dear friend.  

And know that your defective mirror and scale will be recalled by the manufacturers, just as mine will be.

Bless all our hearts!

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