
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Janet and I visit the Toilet Seat Museum in Alamo Heights

Here's Janet holding the Illinois license plate.

Barney Smith is a 92-year-old neighbor of mine--two and a half blocks away.
But I had never met him or seen his toilet seat museum until today--when Janet Penley and I decided to stop in.
He has been collecting and decorating toilet seats for many years,
often painting beside the hospice bed of his wife of 74 years.

His toilet seats fill a garage: maps and jewels and memorabilia are attached to the toilet seats; 
license plates, birthday and anniversary cards, photographs, and movie stars.....

After going to the McNay to see the Robert Indiana show, and after having Thai lunch and getting 
ourselves side by side foot massages at a seedy-looking but wonderful place on San Pedro,
Janet gave Barney a call (that's the way you do it; you call; he opens up)
and we got ourselves a tour, Janet's third, my first.

What an interesting man, personable and quirky and fun to meet.
His wife had been in home hospice for four years, and she just died last week.

Each of their anniversaries and trips, and each of his birthdays starting at 70 is remembered in a toilet seat.
People come from all over the country and beyond to see this little museum,
and it's been featured on several TV shows--including The View.

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