
Sunday, February 9, 2014

"Do What You Like; Like What You Do"

In New Mexico, Carlene bought me a license plate holder from the Life Is Good store.  I've enjoyed having that reminder in both the Big Minnie and the Honda--which I see every time I open the hatchback  to get groceries or a yoga mat.

I'm thinking of it now because I'm just so grateful to have found a career I love--leading writing groups.  Fact is, I've always loved my work--teaching all grades from sixth grade to college--but this is the best ever.

When I do work I love, I don't feel tired afterwards, I feel energized, refreshed, and alive.  Writers--after all--all in one room: what could be better?  Every meeting is different, every written page a gift, every writer a friend.

As Valentines Day approaches, I'm not thinking: Poor Me, I don't have a man in my life; I'm thinking Lucky Me, I  have amazing friends!  My life feels so full; where would I fit a man-person? But I did tell Sharon today (when she brought me a Valentines bouquet) that if I do ever get married again, I want her to be my flower girl.

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