
Wednesday, July 4, 2018

A fun and delicious Fourth!

I went to Jan and Kate's for an amazingly delicious brisket meal, corn on the cob, beans, yummy bread, and a salad with blueberries and watermelon and Feta cheese.  I can't remember a more relaxed and Fun 4th!

These two boys are unique and wonderful!

Sebastien was born in Japan, Makken in the Middle East--and as they were telling us about their two days in Austin and a sushi bar  a Japanese bookstore they all love, Makken started speaking Japanese!
Makken is usually very quiet and a little shy, but he's always paying attention and absorbing everything--and then voila!  out comes something brilliant and surprising.  Sebastien is contributing to a neighborhood newspaper a friend is putting out one street over and he told me how to make ice cream in a zip-lock bag!

There were only six of us--just the kind of party I like!

Lanelle, Jan's friend for years, came and we wound up staying three hours, eating, laughing, and sharing stories.

Sebastien, Kate and Magical Makken

Makken, Sophie the cat, and Sebastien

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