
Sunday, October 25, 2020

"What the Constitution Means To Me" by Heidi Schreck

Trying to think of the right word to describe what I watched last night: remarkable?  hilarious? poignant? terrifying? captivating? 

It's hard to find the word because this performance was uniquely compelling and emotionally nuanced. Heidi Schreck wrote and performed a  stage performance of "What the Constitution Means to Me"--and Amazon filmed it.

This is a gem, a timely one, that should be required viewing for anyone voting in 2020--or any other year. But this year especially--

When militias are threatening war if the current resident of the White House loses,

When the current resident of the White House is threatening not to leave if he loses but to take it to the courts,

When science is discounted to our peril and the peril of Mother Earth,

And when voter suppression, racism, discrimination, and bullying (over mask wearing and other things) are more apparent than ever in our lifetime,

This is a must see!  

I loved it.

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