
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Wind chill 33

The Playhouse is temporarily closed--until Will comes to take the heater out of the storage room and put it in the casita.

I must say, I slept for 8 hours straight last night, my first night in the Real House in a long time But I woke up wondering: What do I do in the Real House?  All my toys are in the Playhouse!

Obama did a PSA about voting: Be sure you BUBBLE in your vote; don't check the box, bubble the box.

Joy on MSNBC informed us that we can call and "Cure our vote" if we did anything wrong.

So I started obsessing: did I check or did I bubble?

They couldn't have been nicer, or more efficient.  My vote passed muster; I'm fine. 

"But what if you find out later there's a problem?" I asked.  "I'm sort of paranoid about it."

She told me the state of Texas (like lots of other states) does NOT require contacting a voter about an incorrectly marked ballot--but Bexar County does do that anyway.  YAY for Bexar County!

But if you, like me, feel like maybe you left the house  ten minutes ago with steak frying aond you have to turn around and go back home to check, there is the option of calling the elections office in your county and double checking.  It's called "curing your ballot."  (checking to make sure you dotted all the i's and crossed all the t's.)

Every vote counts this year in Texas as we just might turn our state blue.  So if you have any questions, call the elections office and double check.  


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