
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Dressmaking Party

Today was the kind of party I love to have!  Unplanned, spontaneous, messy house and all.

My sewing assistant wandered off from time to time to watch cartoons, but we got the dress made--and had good company throughout the process, Joy and Charlotte and Kate.

No food was served, but the kombucha was rescued by Kate who informed me that my batch should have been covered with a tea towel instead of the plastic top of the container.  "It needs to breathe."

"Do I need to start all over?" I asked, expecting to have to dump the four gallons in the sink.

"No," she said.  "Just consider this Day One."  Whew!

At 1:00, Elena and I left for my hair cut appointment with Tomas, and I snapped these pictures of Elena in her new dress outside the salon.  Her horse--wild but being tamed--was decked out in left-over rick rack.

"What's his name?" Tomas asked her.

"He doesn't have one yet," she said.

"How about Bernie?" I said--a nod to the party of the donkey.  "He's not a donkey!" she said indignantly.  "He's a horse!"

Oh yeah.  Different animals.  Right.

After my haircut, Pam and I met for late lunch at Cracker Barrel--where she had cobbler and I had a platter of catfish and sides.  We hadn't planned ahead of time; we both just happened to be near the same place at the same time.

Days like these can't be planned, they just bloom all on their own!  While Elena may or may not remember her first home-made dress, our party guests promised they would.

A good day all around, ending with watching online the three ending series on Masterpiece.

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