
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

When the Body Talks

Sometimes, the body purrs, sometimes it growls. With the help of my friend and eclectic healer Gabi, I'm asking, "What's really going on here?"

Yesterday, my neck pain flaring to the point that I thought I might go get an X-ray, I called Gabi--whose work is amazing but impossible to explain.  I'd gotten temporary relief from three chiropractic treatments, but my range of motion was so limited that I was almost in tears, driving there.

By the time I left Gabi's place, I was calm, relaxed, and happy,  and my neck had stopped growling.  Today it whimpered off and on, but it's on the way, I think, to recovery. 

What is my body saying to me?

Sometimes we all hold on to old emotional patterns when we already know, deep down, they don't serve us.  I'm thinking of Maya Angelou's words, "When we know better, we do better." 

Years ago, I read a book by Louise Hay about self-healing.  In that book, she talked about the metaphorical meaning of pains and dis-eases.  A "pain in the neck" or a "break-down" or any other description of pain can be regarded as a message that the mind can't grasp until the body speaks.

The person suffering from a malady can take a pill and mask it--or she can let the pain be a teacher.  

Louise Hay, the 88-year-old teacher and writer, said, "The gateways to wisdom and learning are always open, and more and more I am choosing to walk through them. Barriers, blocks, obstacles, and problems are personal teachers giving me the opportunity to move out of the past and into the Totality of Possibilities."

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