
Friday, February 17, 2017

A gratitude present

It wasn't my birthday, or Thanksgiving, or any other special occasion--so I was surprised to drive up and see a package on my porch yesterday.

When I opened it, because of all the fragrances inside, I'd have known who sent it without a return address.

Jocelyn, who sent it,  called it a gratitude present.  Inside the box were several beautifully scented candles, a jigsaw puzzle, a box of Nabisco Sugar Wafers, and bath bombs!

Bath bombs are white balls, a little smaller than baseballs.  When you dissolve them in your bath, you want to stay in the tub all day.

I'd like to propose following her lead and starting a new tradition.  Instead of giving presents on special calendar dates, we should do what she did and send gratitude presents to each other, whenever we feel so inspired.

It can really make somebody's day to get a present out of the blue!  Mine was like a party in a box!

Thank you, Jocelyn!

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