
Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Pronounced "chi-gong," this new practice I'm learning is a blend Chinese philosophy, medicine, and martial arts.  I'm so enjoying learning it--a flowing set of movements designed to get through the clunkier emotions (fear, worry, grief, etc) and to get to "joy, courage, and confidence."

After doing this for an hour, I feel quite courageous, joyous, and confident!

My teacher told me that her husband is in a nursing home, very ill--but she's focusing on the 29 wonderful years they have had together.  "He's taught me so much," she says. In their way of thinking, we choose how we'll die.  At first, she was angry that he'd chosen a way that causes him so much pain, but she's worked through that to a sense of peace about it. "We've all learned a lot by the way he's choosing to die," she said, "Things we wouldn't have learned if he'd done it another way."

Some people radiate joy, and she's one who does.  The practice of qigong is her way of not letting circumstances or other people dictate what she feels.  It's a way of grounding yourself in your own energy.

I'm inspired!  I found myself thinking--like Sally in the movie (Harry Met Sally) --"I'll have what she's having."

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