
Monday, April 3, 2017

Sunday Spring Sweep

Yesterday I cleaned out my entire storage room, leaving a sculpture of stuff on my curb--which, given the muddy street, didn't really hurt the curb appeal.  It also gave me a month's worth of Vitamin D.  But the sculptural elements were not worth the taking, so they will remain there until tomorrow's trash pick up.

Then I cleaned out the under the sink and mopped up water from the leak from the disposal which had puddled there under countless bottles of cleaners and waxes and sponges.  Then I cleaned every surface of the refrigerator and threw out jars with expired dates.

I planted the succulents that had survived our hard freeze in my red wagon, washed pollen off the outdoor furniture, washed a load of towels from the disposal leak, and dragged the stinky rug from the storage room to the curb to add an element of fabric to the assemblage of stuff.

Honestly, I didn't know I had it in me--the energy to work like that! After all my working out, I feel like I'm back to where I was two years ago.

Today after NIA, I met Becky for quiche at Cafe Lorraine, and am now awaiting the exterminator to   get rid of the carpenter ants that are showing their nasty faces on the molding of my living room.  I'm new to carpenter ants, but learned that they travel from up down, not down up like regular termites.

At midnight, I was so revved up from all my work that I went over to Wal-Mart, my least favorite store but open all night, to purchase a Bona hard-wood floor cleaner thingy with the liquid cleaner built in and will now attack my floors.

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