
Monday, June 5, 2017

Making the planet great again

"Let's make the planet great again!" said France's President Macron.

While our bully president pushes people away to get to the head of the line, blunders in the international community every day, and refuses to acknowledge climate change and the catastrophes scientists predict it will bring, it's heartening to hear a sane voice from France.

Trump hates to be "laughed at," yet that is just what's happening worldwide. Thumbing his nose at countries that have been our friends for decades, he says (extricating us from the Paris agreement),  "They won't laugh at us anymore."

The vast majority of people and leaders in the world who care about the health of the earth more than money, towers, and walls are shaking their heads in disbelief when they hear utterances and read Tweets that reveal Trump's ignorance of history, geography, science, women, manners--just about everything .  They have been laughing for months--not at our choice to pull out of the Paris agreement but at the language and behavior of Trump.

In some states, like Wisconsin, there are gag orders in place--not to even talk about climate change, not to even use the term.

Many states and cities, like California under Jerry Brown's leadership, are vowing to continue working on green energy despite Trump's half-baked opinions, decrees, isolationism,  and lack of knowledge about science.

America, known for years as the leader of the free world, is quickly losing that moniker, and the world is appalled at one misstep after another.

Just as a bunch of mostly-white men are opining and making decisions about women's reproductive rights, they are ignoring Mother Earth's fertility and clean air.  What about all the babies already born and yet to be born?  Do they not care if the planet will support them into old age?

Martin Luther King said, “We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”

When climate change ravages the world with famines and droughts and death of animals, trees, and ecosystems, it won't follow political or geographical boundaries.  It will affect us all.

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