
Wednesday, June 7, 2017

New Canvas

Sometimes when you're writing a story or an essay, the time comes to start with a fresh sheet of paper.  Maybe all the paragraphs are good, and you don't want to part with them.

Someone once advised writers to "kill your darlings"--meaning you have to banish even the good parts for a better whole.

My flowery sofa is about to be recovered in a beautiful white.  The walls are white.  The Jane Bishop art chairs show up for the first time, not being shouted over by noisy flowers.  The mission chair is on the screened in porch where it resides happily with other flowers.  Otherwise, at the moment, the living room is bare.  But when a room or a page is bare, you can imagine other possibilities, not trying to force friendships in pieces that don't like each other.

The size of my house dictates what can stay, what can be moved to another room, what has to go.  Or as Pam says, "blessed and released."

I'm happy with my blank canvas and shopping for coffee tables, lamps, and end tables online every day.  One customer review of a little table said, "I love this piece.  It's one of a kind.  I'm ordering two."

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