
Tuesday, June 13, 2017

One little doll.

Here's my story for the day:

I drove to Lowe's this morning to buy a medicine cabinet for my bathroom.  The back of the car had a  lamp and a box of things to donate to Boysville.

When the young man came outside to put the cabinet in the car for me, he said, "That's a nice doll you have there."

It was a little Madame Alexander doll I'd bought somewhere for about ten dollars, a pretty doll dressed in green with a cape.

"Do you have anyone you'd like to give it to?" I asked.

"My mama," he said.  "I gave her a little doll once and she was so happy she cried.  I took a picture.  She was one of sixteen children and she grew up in Appalachia and it was her first doll."

When I drove away, he was cradling that doll like a treasure and snapping on the cape.

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