
Saturday, May 11, 2019

Non-Prom Night

Tonight is prom night almost everywhere up here.
But the funny thing is that a very small percentage of high school students at Jackson's schools (and others, I hear) go to prom!

Instead, they are donning new suits and gowns, getting flowers for their dates, and going elsewhere.

Jackson and his friends went out to dinner in D.C. and then changed clothes and played laser tag!

First, the parents and this one grandmother gathered at the house of the girl who was hosting the dressing up and hair-doing pre-party and took loads and loads of pictures of these beautiful kids debuting their new grown-up selves, the boys in suits and ties, the girls in gowns with plunging necklines and high heels and slits in their skirts hamming it up for the camera.

Here's Jackson with his adorable girlfriend, Olivia.

While Jackson elected not to go to prom, Day went--as assistant principal--and she had a great time.  I'll post more pictures in the morning as they haven't all traveled over to my computer from the phone yet.

Out of a thousand eligible-to-buy-tickets students, only 67 bought tickets to the prom at the Weston.  Proms have gotten so expensive and are no longer held in student-decorated gyms and cafeterias, as they were in my school days.

"Anyway," Jackson asked, "What is there to DO at a prom?"

Marcus, in his newly-deep voice suggested, "Dance???"

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