
Monday, September 16, 2019

Seventy to Seven

With Elena, I learned to use air-dry clay to make embellishments for our metal projects--her muffin tin and my pan dulce baking pan.

With Elena, I learned I could still run around the skating rink six times--no skates--and remembered how exhilarating music and movement can be.  Next time, I'm donning skates!

She's like me in some ways: she loves to paint and sew and tell stories.  But she's more like her mom as she moves her muscular little body in dance and athletics.

She's more a drama queen than I was as a child--protesting with tears if things don't go her way, like Sebastien and Makken not being able to go skating with us because they had had a full day already.

I am encouraging her to take her big voice and big personality to the stage and study acting or singing.

We skated again on Sunday--this time her cousins Christian and Audrey were able to join us.

Audrey and Elena
                              Maybe every seventy-year-old needs a seven-year-old teacher!

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