
Monday, September 23, 2019

Taking Time

I took the time this weekend to play at home alone, turning down a few good invitations to do other things--like going to a play, going to yoga, and seeing Downton Abby.  I made several things and tried my hand at pouring resin on a tray--which worked, I think, though it's still curing.

About 3:00, Pam texted that she was hungry and I realized I was, too, so we went to Stoneworks for salad and half a chicken salad sandwich.

I always call Carlene when I go for my coke run.  At Whataburger, the coke is free is you buy a biscuit for the birds.  I threw the biscuit into the yard and watched from my driver's seat as twenty or more birds had a feast together.

The first little brown bird descended upon it, then announced his find to his friends.  Within a minute, there were seven, then twelve, then more.  Then a Blue Jay joined them and they left him for a minute.  When Jay left, they returned, along with five doves.  A red bird watched from the roof and and a woodpecker watched from a tree branch.

"Birds share," Carlene said.  "They don't just take their biscuit and enjoy it all by themselves."

This morning's Brainpickings was an apt one for me: 

"To see takes time,, like to have a friend takes time," Georgia O'Keeffe wrote as she contemplated the art of seeing.  To listen takes time, too--to learn to hear and befriend the world within and the world without, to attend to the quiet voice of life and heart alike.  "If we were not so single-minded about keeping our lives moving, and for once could do nothing," Pablo Neruda wrote in his gorgeous ode to quietude, "perhaps a huge silence might interrupt this sadness of never understanding ourselves."

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