
Saturday, February 15, 2020

cheesecake and card stock

I have a terrible neighbor.  Terrible in a good way.  Her name is Jan.

This morning, she came over and delivered the most incredibly delicious slice of cheesecake straight from heaven. I planned to eat half this morning and half later, but you can imagine how much is left on my plate!

You will be seeing it soon on my hips!

While we visited we sorted little tiny squares of colorful card stock into two piles--deckled edges and straight edges.  There were enough to wallpaper my entire house!

I had bought two boxes of these years ago at a garage sale, but this was before making things was quite the obsession it is now.

Last night, I watched a video in which the teacher did cool things with them, so I got up and found them and started sorting.

It would have taken me twice as long if my terrible neighbor named Jan hadn't appeared at my door with cheesecake. Now I shall waddle out and about and do my Saturday errands, come home and take a nap, then go to Adelantes and a concert with Jan after we both take naps.

"I gotta go now," she said.  "I have to work on my art."

Maybe this art-thing is contagious?

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