
Sunday, February 23, 2020

Nathan, almost 13, was reluctant to go to a concert of three women "just singing without instruments." At the last minute, he even suggested he stay home alone while Elena and I go.

I insisted.  And from start to finish, you couldn't have budged either of them, or their grandmother.

They picked front row seats.  Jan and her brother Bob came in later but sat mid-way to the back, so we only got to talk to Jan during the intermission.  This morning, Elena said she dreamed they came to her school to sing!

Three beautiful sisters from Kenya performed  in their third-from-last concert in San Antonio before moving to New York (where they already have an agent) and becoming, no doubt, stars in the music world. Their talent is mesmerizing!  Not only do they have amazing voices, they have very entertaining performing styles and warm interactions with each other and the audience.

I had to fight back tears on several songs. They performed medleys of spirituals and show tunes, a Kenyan folk song, and Mary (who serves my morning coke at McDonalds) a classical solo.

They met the musical director at Christ Lutheran ((also a professor at St. Mary's)  while studying music there.  He invited them to sing at his church and they have been members of the choir there for several years, often singing at weddings and funerals.

To earn money for their trip to New York, they are working at McDonalds, Shipley's Donuts, and Smoothie King, yet their talents are going to take them places few fast-food window people could dream of.

There will be two more performances this spring--and I'll post dates and places as soon as I get them.  I'm pretty sure that one is March 12 at a church near the medical center.

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