
Thursday, May 28, 2020

The shots worked--my knees are much better.
But I've had a reaction to the steroids: face is red and hot.
According to some online sources, these are occasional reactions to steroids, especially in women.

I'm taking Benadryl and sleeping a lot but have no fever.  The doc said that if the Benadryl doesn't work, I should go to the hospital and have it checked out, but it's probably an allergy to something in the shots.

Will and Bonnie and Elena came tonight and brought barbecue from Big Bibs.  While her parents were doing an interview in the casita, Elena and I had movie night.  She's been very sad because two of her silkies died.  She cried and cried when she discovered those two baby chicks.  "Daddy, can you please do something to make me feel better?" she said.

He must have thought of something because she was her cheerful self tonight. Yenna is going Silkie shopping as soon as her parents give me the green light.

This is what a day-old silkie looks like

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