
Sunday, October 5, 2014

A conversation with Elizabeth Gilbert

This morning--if I had more than ten channels on my television--I'd turn on the Oprah network and watch "Super Soul Sunday" with Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love.

There are a few wonderful excerpts on Oprah's website--and I will quote them as accurately as I can:

Liz quotes Pema Chodrin who says that "every problem is just fear."

Most of the questions people ask Liz Gilbert boil down to fear: "I'm stuck and I'm scared to make a move or make a change."  She talks about different versions of fear, including perfectionism--which is just fear 'in really good shoes."

And then, the zinger we can all relate to:

"Some women never got the memo that their lives belong to them.  There's this instinct that they need to get permission slips from the principal's office before they can do anything.  In a way, Eat, Pray, Love was a permission slip telling women they are allowed to ask their own questions and take ownership of their own lives."

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