
Tuesday, March 21, 2017



One of the smartest her daddy ever did was to come up with her name, Day--1971.

I was going to name her Jennifer--after Ali McGraw's character, Jennifer, in Love Story that year.  Lots of mothers did.  Day had lots of classmates named Jennifer.  But in all these years, we never met another Day. Her name fits her perfectly, a great big ray of sunshine.

When she told someone her name for the first time, they always said, "Day?  Like the opposite of night?"

After a while, she got so used to the question that she answered before they could ask: "My name is Day, like the opposite of night!"

So I've just booked a flight to Washington to see my girl--to see Jackson play lacrosse which he loves better than anything next to cars.

I'll stay a week and get to see two home games and while they are all working or at school, I'll read and write and explore and take pictures.  I'm so excited!

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