
Monday, March 27, 2017


This alphabet exercise, if nothing else, makes me look (like Dick and Jane actually) for a particular letter every day.  It seems some universal law that what we look for we see, even if it's been there all the time unseen.  Try this with letters, or the color red, or a particular shape--and notice what shows up.

These are the words that occurred me to today driving from the rheumatologist to check on my CREST thing to the nursery to the post office to the VW service to check on a crazy-making beep that was fixed quickly:

Kick, knees, knob, kid, kidney, kind, kinetic, knotty, key, keyhole, knock

I'm not particularly inspired to write about any of them at the moment, but I give them to you, gratis, in case you are.

Boring as they might have been, those Dick and Jane books did advocate a good thing: Looking is worthy of any moment.  Looking around, looking within, looking at other people.

Marga made an excellent point yesterday.  Instead of "going out in search of something," we should "go find...."

I took that to mean that what we search for is not always what we find.  We go out, looking, open to whatever shows up--which is so often not what we thought we were seeking at all but just as good, maybe better.

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