
Monday, February 4, 2019

Monday Morning

Sunday was a beautiful day in San Antonio.  Jan and Kate next door hosted a lovely happy hour for me and Dana.  I'd been wanting Kate and Dana (who rents the casita) to meet--as they are both moms of two boys.  Another friend came with her boy and the five boys had a good time playing with balls and dogs.  Three dogs total, five boys, four women, all fun!

I came home and watched The Wife with Glenn Close--very good.  Then of course, watched a few artsy videos.

What I'm learning by watching various artists do different techniques is this:

I can be watching the making of something and think, "Oh, this one is going to be awful" then he or she keeps adding and moving things and it turns out to be beautiful!

I already knew that's how it works with writing, but I'd been too long intimidated to try out the same things on paper with permanent ink, water color, and other art supplies.  Making lines and squiggles, gluing over what you don't like with something else--it's magical!

Paul Klee said, "A line is just a dot in motion." I like that.

Now I'm ready to give it a go, make some marks, and see what happens--after Will comes this morning to help me move some heavy things and complete the organization of the work space.

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