
Thursday, February 21, 2019

Writing group was small last night, but so so good!
This is my one remaining writing group, and I love the people in it.  One of them, absent last night, had introduced us to our prompt of the month: "Listen to your mother."  This is a national and annual event in U.S. cities on May 11, and you can see some samples on You Tube.

To be on stage at the Tobin on May 11th for the readings, writers will audition this weekend, and to my great delight at least four people (two in last night's group, two in former groups) are going to give it a go.  I definitely want to attend the event on May 11th, so mark your calendars if you'd like to attend with me.

Most of the readers last year were young mothers who wrote about being mothers.  Jennie, who introduced us to this project and who is one of the San Antonio organizers, was featured in the Brevard Report in the newspaper this week.  She encouraged me to post it for writers--and said that they hoped for more "mature writers" to submit pieces this year. The four who are auditioning this weekend are all over 60, so I'm guessing that will qualify as mature?

After group, I worked on one of my collages until 1:00 in the morning. Having all my supplies in half of one room is such a pleasure.  What we devote space and time to is a reminder of what matters most to us.  For too long, I've had scissors in one room, markers in another, paper in another.  With that arrangement, it takes too long to find things and it's easy to abandon an idea if you have to look all over the house for what you need.

So now I'm up having my morning coke and putting finishing touches on my project before going back to bed for a bit.  Jan and I will be leaving for Kerrville around noon to attend Barbara's funeral.

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