
Thursday, October 10, 2019

A few things I have learned....

1.  Pages of paper--made thicker with paint and/or matte medium--really can be sewed together in a patchwork!  I borrowed an idea from Kate Crane to make a spiral book: Use a large wooden antique spool as the base, cut or tear pieces already gel printed with acrylic paint, draw or paint over it; rubber stamp or stencil over it--and voila!

2. I'm by nature a neat and orderly sort of person--even though my house at the moment provides little evidence of that.  Some of those who sew on paper leave the threads uneven and hanging--which I, from years of sewing, can't make myself do.

I learned early on to be neat and clean, even as I painted.  Here you see me painting my hand--and at this particular moment, decades later, my hands are covered with black and gold paint.

3. Acrylic paint is forgiving and changeable until it dries.  If it gets on your clothes, they are done for.

4. Glue Sticks and watercolor pencils, at the very least, should go in a journal bag with a journal when you travel--as well as a printer that makes tiny prints from your iPhone.  Nellie taught me this when we traveled to Italy together.  Writing about your trip while you're taking it is much more alive than writing about it afterwards back at home.

5. For anything you want to do--from pouring resin to drawing to making quilts--you can find hundreds of free videos on You Tube.

6. A gel press (I have several in different sizes) is the most fun tool ever!  The small hand-held ones can be used like rubber stamps; the larger ones can be made complex with drawings and stamping and then the substrate you're using (journal, water-color paper, deli-paper, etc) can be pressed into the plate to pick up beautiful patterns.

7.  Rolodex cards can be painted and gel-printed and drawn on--then you can make a "book" in a regular Rolodex file using painted cards.

8. I've always associated words with journals, but in an "art journal," words are optional.  The trope in most art journal circles is that the maker adds a word or phrase or affirmation atop the visual pages, but they almost always seem extraneous to me.

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