
Sunday, October 20, 2019

Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Arrived in Georgia on Friday--but somewhere along the way, picked up a biter that accompanied me to bed and took numerous bites on my arms, legs, and face.  I woke up yesterday morning all spotted, some of them welts the size of large marbles, some little bitty but itchy.

After Camomile lotion and some other various creams and lotions and potions, they are pretty much gone--as is yesterday's rain which prevented going to the crafts show Jocelyn and I had planned on.  So she and Bob drove over in the rain and we had a good day and dinner at O'Charley's.  While I was napping away my Benadryl, and before they arrived, Carlene watched This Beautiful Fantastic on Amazon.  (She doesn't nap.)

It's a beautiful day in Georgia and we're starting to see a bit of color in some trees, but nothing like usual due to the drought they've had.  Hoping yesterday's rain brings out some more color.

Jocelyn and I are going to a crafts fair on Friday, and Betty and I are driving to Clayton and Highlands on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Then Carlene and I will start heading back to Texas on Saturday.  This will be her first long trip since her accident on Christmas Eve.

From door to door, I drove 1016 miles.  I got off the expressway in Alabama and drove the "historic route" of Highway 80 through Demopolis and Selma.  The road was not the original two-lane road, but the route felt familiar as that was the route we used to take between Texas and Georgia before the Interstates.

I remember Selma being something of a city back in the 60s and early 70s, but most of the downtown buildings are abandoned now and it looks almost like a ghost town compared to the Selma I remember.

Llamas in East Texas

Mississippi Bridge in Natchez

A Gulf Station billboard that might have been there on our first trip

Bales of Cotton

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