
Sunday, November 24, 2019

Marta, Emily, and Hannah

When I want to watch a feel-good video, I like to watch a Marta video.     Not because of the art, per se, but because of the playfulness between mother, Marta, and her two little girls, Emma and Hannah, as they make things.

We never see their faces, and Hannah is still an off-camera baby--but we watch Marta and Emma interacting with their hands and voices and laughter.  Sometimes Hannah will wake up from a nap, and Emily will go get her and put on some children's songs and Marta will sing along, sometimes in Polish, sometimes in English.

If you only listen only to the sound track, you can hear earmarks of excellent teaching:

Wow, Emma, that's really good!

Try this.

It will work better if you try it this way--add a little water, crush up that powder and wet it, press a little harder, try adding some blue to this color, see what happens.

You never know what will happen.  You don't have to have a plan.

I love it!  Beautiful!

Thank you, Emily, you're so helpful.

I love the colors you chose.  Now let's see what you can do with them.

Oh, I got blue splashes on your cheek, how funny!

Don't worry.  You can fix it.

Do you need some help over there?

I don't know, Emily, about this piece I'm making.  Do you like it?

Work your magic--because I know you can!

And from Emily, you can hear the enthusiasm of learning:

I think this is really pretty, Mom!

Do you need me to get you more water?

Yes, please, could you help me with this?

Why do you do it like that?

       The interaction of these two is pure pleasure to watch.  Little hands copying big hands.  Little voice with the same accents and tone as the mother voice.  No fear, no rules, no impatience.

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