
Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Sorting components of projects is as much fun as making them.  Today, while watching the impeachment hearings and while Express Bumper is repairing the back of my car at my house (I bumped into a telephone pole!), my bed is covered with travel brochures and maps and National Geographic magazines.

Replacing the pile of bulky magazines will be small plastic boxes filled with images divided by themes: the color blue, old photos of strangers, portions of maps and sheet music, napkins and origami, Chinese papers, handmade papers, stenciled patterns on tissue paper, etc.

It feels good to sort while watching the impeachment.

A wealth of images and maps can be found in brochures at welcome centers.  My favorites are art studio guide brochures.  While cutting images on these high-quality papers, I'm also studying the composition of paintings and collages by professional artists.

I have a folding table by my bed where I'm stacking components for collages.  Now, when I'm working on my journals and other collages, I won't have to search through mounds of books and magazines to find what I'm looking for.

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