
Friday, November 29, 2019

Rainy Monday

Well, it feels like Monday--and it's definitely wet out there in San Antonio, just enough to be soft and easy.

I had a good day yesterday on my solo Thanksgiving.  I marbled some papers and wrapped  family Christmas presents.  I made goulash (AKA "yoga stew"--because I always left it for my kids on yoga night.) Today I will make cornbread to go with it and take a nap and do a bit more marbling before meeting Pam to see the Mr. Rogers movie. It's a good day for movies and naps--but of course every day is good for those two pleasures.

I was thankful to have three invitations for Thanksgiving dinner yesterday, but I had my day all planned out so I stayed home and got a lot accomplished that I'd been saving for Thursday.

Linda is waiting for a new grandson to be born in Massachusetts, and Janet emailed me yesterday that her grand-daughter had been born in Chicago. Looks like Sage's Little Brother is coming on December 3rd, unless he has other plans and comes early.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

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