
Friday, July 10, 2020

Friday, July 10

It was kind of surreal, men and women in masks standing in line to vote, some leaning against the Lion's Club building.   My car thermometer read 100.

I parked right next to a woman canvassing for a "Conservative Christian" candidate.  She smiled at me and held her banner a little higher.

"If you're a conservative...."

"No way," I said, moving toward the line.

When I went back to my car, she was ready:   "I used to believe like you, but I lost my hand."  She held up where a hand should be, covered with a big sock.  "And a finger on this hand," she added.

I couldn't figure out what her missing hand had to do with my beliefs, or hers, so I just said, "I'm so sorry."

She walked toward me, close, too close.  Even after I closed the door, she continued talking through the open window:

"It's because I used to eat non-organic food," she said.  "Like Bill Miller's and McDonald's.  I can always tell who's Democrat or Republican because Republicans look healthier. We conservatives are much more educated about nutrition and we know that the food most people eat is poisonous, filled with DTD and pesticides and Agent Orange."

Agent Orange???

"Also we pray a lot...."

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